Course Overview
Move Better – Run Better - Run faster
“Why do we only educate our children from the neck upwards? Children should
also learn movement skills from pre-school through to secondary school” - MA
We believe that walking, running and multi-directional movement are
important “Life skills” that are not taught in schools. We need to teach
children good movement skills and then re-teach them better movement as
they grow and develop. It’s not just for the kids that do sport, its movement
for ALL!
This course is for coaches & teachers who want to teach Movement
Education, Motor Skill Development and Running Technique to young people.
Based on 20 years of research and coaching experience, this course covers both the theoretical and practical application of what to observe, what to change and how to coach movement and running, teaching children to become physically competent in running and fundamental movement skills.
Using The Running School™ methodology, this course provides teachers and coaches with the coaching methodology and tools to be able to educate their students effectively and to provide a comprehensive and inclusive physical literacy programme irrespective of age or ability.
Research shows that getting young people moving is important for both their physical and cognitive development as well as:
• Increased confidence
• Better social interaction
• More likely to pursue a healthy and active lifestyle
Movement skills and quality of movement can be taught, refined and reinforced through The Running School™ (TRS) methodology and Dynamic Movement Skills (DMS) programme with advancements made in gross motor skill development, balance, rhythm, coordination, agility and quickness in all three planes of motion.
By stimulating the Central Nervous System though game based movement patterns, significant improvements in running and movement skills can be made in as little as 6 weeks!
Aims & Objective
The aim of this course is to provide attendees with a thorough understanding of the background, research, coaching methodology and practical applications of The Running School™ methodology. It will give attendees the skills needed to deliver movement skills education using Dynamic Movement Skills™ as part of a comprehensive physical literacy programme that can be tested, developed and improved.
At the end of the course attendees will be able to:
• Understand the theory of movement and running re-education and development of gross motor skills
• Know key components of The Running School™ and Dynamic Movement Skills methodology
• Understand the current problems with movement in children and how this relates to their Long Term Physical development and participation in fitness and competitive sport
• Show an understanding of dominant & non-dominant development
• Understand the cognitive benefits of movement education
• Know how to coach and develop gross motor skills, coordination, agility, quick feet & dynamic balance in children
• Observe, correct and test movement inefficiencies
• Demonstrate & coach effective movement patterns and running technique with a methodical approach
• Deliver movement education sessions including game based lessons
• Deliver and adapt progressive session plans that are challenging but achievable for a wide range of abilities & age groups
• Understand how to teach kids with slow movement development, movement dysfunction, Dyspraxia & Autism
Course Structure
- Theory, background & research of The Running School methodology
- Gross motor skills and movement development
- Stages, phases and teaching of fundamental movement skills
- The role of the Central Nervous System and importance of neuromuscular efficiency
- Effects of dominant and non-dominant development– with video case studies
- Benefits of Dynamic Movement Skills
- Practical session in how to observe, correct and test movement inefficiencies
- How to coach running technique
- Discussion of Video case studies of running biomechanics of children of varying age groups and abilities
- Running workshop
- Cognitive benefits of movement re-education
- How to teach kids with slow movement development, movement dysfunction, dyspraxia & autism
- Practical: Games ideas and how to incorporate upper body & sport skills i.e. throwing & catching
- Session planning and how to incorporate movement education in to the PE syllabus
Assessment on:
• Coaching Running Technique and Dynamic Movement Skills
• Coaching a group
• Implementing Coaching sessions